Monday 8 August 2016

BIFA - what is the British International Freight Association?

Most professions have a trade association, set up to give them guidance and support as well as representation where needed. Freight Forwarding firms have their very own trade association - The British International Freight Association (BIFA), Of course, t ward shipping are members of this helpful body, which gives our clients confidence and also gives us support with training and development, specialist information and a lot more.

BIFA is the trade association for any UK-registered companies who are involved in the international movement of freight. Not just sea freight - BIFA is there for companies using any type transport to move freight around the world; air, road, rail and sea. Some members of BIFA are also involved with customs clearance and cross border controls.

What does this mean for our clients? Well, it gives you peace of mind that we will be trading under an internationally agreed set of standard trading conditions that are accepted and backed by the insurance sector.

If you’re an industry member like us, the experts at BIFA can be an invaluable source of support and education, with everything from a monthly newsletter updating members on anything important and relevant to freight forwarding, and if you’re looking for a freight forwarding company and want to ensure that they are a BIFA member, they have a website listing which is constantly updated.

BIFA also represents the interests of our industry in the media, and in recent weeks they have been calling on the government to start making decisions on air freight issues such as expanding and supporting the UK aviation industry in the wake of the Brexit vote.

We believe that being part of BIFA is a positive step for any businesses involved in freight forwarding and associated trades, and that membership helps t ward shipping to link in with BIFAs pursuit of excellence and quality in the transport and logistics sector.

For more information about BIFA, their members and what they do, take a look at the website at:

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